That's a Wrap!

The holidays have come and gone, leaving heaps of toys in our living room and Alastair in a state of confusion. It is hard to explain to a toddler who's birthday is 3 days after Christmas, why the presents all of the sudden stopped. He does however find solace in his newest addiction, CARS the movie. From sun up to sun down, he's like a junkie looking for his next Lightning McQueen fix.
Every boy needs a dog and for Christmas Alastair got his.......kind of. He got a robotic dog, and he is scared of it. It pops and jerks and makes all sorts of awful noises as it springs to life, sending Alastair fleeing screaming "Scawee Dog! "
Brandi as of lately is out of control. Bless her ever expanding belly. She is a trooper, at almost FOUR feet around, I don't know how she does it.

The Aftermath

Scawee Dog!

Pick'n and a Grin'n

Make a Wish!

The Cake

Winter Olympic Hopefuls

Faster, Faster!

Our Little Snow Angel
(snot nose and all)

Snow Day!

It Keeps Going and Going and Going
(9weeks to go)

No Caption Necessary


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