Family Tradition
Some families name all of their children with the same letter (ex. George, Gina, Gregory, Gwen,....) Well in the Rockley house our tradition is RSV. Alastair had it a 5 weeks and not to be out done; Maisy and Francis got it at 3 weeks. Both girls are doing well and soon should have it licked. Alastair is an amazing big brother. When the girls are crying he brings their "pooties" (aka. pacifier), he kisses their heads, and when strangers ogle he declares "MY BABY SISTERS!"
Last weekend was Easter, which means Easter Egg Hunts. Alastair is now a certified Easter Egg Hunter. We went to the Stone Crest Mall to see the "Easter Funny" as Alastair calls it. The ladies were decked out in Easter dresses and giant bows/flowers.
Team Rockley would like to take this time to thank the army of visitors, well wishers, and cooks who have contributed to our well being. Thanks!