Colorado Adventures
In July, Team Rockley ventured out west for a bit of family fun and adventure in Denver and Estes Park. Here is our account of the events that took place:

The Alluvial Fan - what used to be a dam at the top of this waterfall broke in 1982 killing some campers in the area. Now it's a rushing river/waterfall.

You may notice the edge of Fran's pigtail in the far left of this picture as she ran out of the frame.

There are not many better ways to spend a Colorado summer night than surrounded by gargantuan red rocks, city lights in the distance, good friends, beer, and quality music with a band that makes it apparent that they LOVE what they do. A little singing and dancing didn't hurt either ;)

Alastair and his hiking, rock climbing buddy, Braxton
Ranger Rockley
One of the visitor centers in Estes Park had dress up clothes for kids. Alastair got a kick out of this :)
One of the visitor centers in Estes Park had dress up clothes for kids. Alastair got a kick out of this :)
A little Mountain Beauty
The Alluvial Fan - what used to be a dam at the top of this waterfall broke in 1982 killing some campers in the area. Now it's a rushing river/waterfall.
Alastair is trying to be as cool as his Daddy
He became quite the rock climber in Estes!
My girl giving some Fran-atude
We convinced the kids to get into this small rock cave...they didn't find it as amusing as we did.
More Sassy-Fran
Team Rockley hiked up to Alberta Falls, the kids did better than expected and enjoyed the scenery...who wouldn't?!

You may notice the edge of Fran's pigtail in the far left of this picture as she ran out of the frame.
During our first hike, it began thunder storming loudly and rapidly. It happened seconds after this shot was taken, hence Alastair's facial expression. We RAN down the mountain toting all three tikes...we still got SOAKED!

We finished off our trip with a magical night at Red Rocks Amphitheater to see the infamous Avett Brothers with the Canaday's and the Weaver's. It was say the least. We started the evening with a little tailgating and a tiny storm...we were glad Graham found these waterproof parkas for $2 at Goodwill that day :)
Graham went to the top to take these shots of the show. Luckily, but purposefully, we caught seats in row 9.
There are not many better ways to spend a Colorado summer night than surrounded by gargantuan red rocks, city lights in the distance, good friends, beer, and quality music with a band that makes it apparent that they LOVE what they do. A little singing and dancing didn't hurt either ;)