Holiday Happenings
December was a stellar month for Team Rockley. Graham got to come home from the 11th until the end of the year, so we were able to enjoy some much needed quality time together. This was the first year that we had the privilege of playing Santa on Christmas Eve as we had to take special care to hide the secret from Alastair who pays close attention to detail. We had tons of assembling and wrapping to do, but pulled it off with flying colors!
Graham is overly excited about SDC hot cocoa; I can't blame him, I may or may not have been talking about it and anticipating it for days :)

The infamous Christmas Card Photo Shoot went pretty well, but getting them all three to look at the camera has proven to be a complete impossibility. Alastair was going for a James Dean look in this shot.
Maisy found the light-up penguins to be most spectacular.
Team Rockley visits Silver Dollar City..... along with the rest of the residents of Missouri and Arkansas. It was super crowded, but a good time was had by all!
The Teacups
Cousin buddies getting ready for Breakfast with Santa
The infamous Christmas Card Photo Shoot went pretty well, but getting them all three to look at the camera has proven to be a complete impossibility. Alastair was going for a James Dean look in this shot.
Maisy is very serious about her "cheese" face.
Opening stockings on Christmas morning.
The girls are concocting goodies in their new kitchen in their new tu-tus from Granna.
Spiderman likes riding pink trikes, who knew?!