Our boy turned FIVE on December 28. The end of the year gives Team Rockley multiple reasons to celebrate; the most meaningful being the birth of our firstborn. This kid does not fail to amaze us continuously with his wit and charm. Not to mention the fact that he's a total bad-ass who wants to be just like his dad. He swears that he's NEVER going to fall in love and get married, but I seriously don' t know how the girls will be able to resist those dimples!
Alastair was very insistent upon having his birthday party at Chuck E Cheese and having a Spiderman cake (compliments of Graham's cake decorating skills.)
Alastair and his buddy showing off their loot!
Being crowned by Chuck E Cheese himself
The sisters and their coin containers
On Alastair's actual birthday, we went to the movie theater to see Wreck It Ralph. Popcorn, bug juice, candy, and giddiness made this a good birthday for our boy!