Christmas Cheer

Longmont, Colorado. Here in this ordinary town lives a family of five. They are not your typical family. No, they are quite the opposite. Some might even say, "extraordinary." These folks are not bound by the shackles of tradition or burdened by the weight of boredom. They seem to only know one speed, and that is wide FUCKING open. December. In the full swing of the Holidays is where we catch up to this fascinating family.

Brandi: "This time when you are home, it is going to be kinda busy." 
Graham: "Oh yeah? What do we have going on?"
Brandi: "Well....your little brother is coming out to snowboard, a magical train ride to the North Pole aboard the Polar Express, Alastair's Ninja Turtle birthday party, my parents are coming for a visit, a little thing called Christmas, and the kids and I are going to Missouri for a visit.....and I've got it all jammed into two weeks."
Graham: "........(blank stare)"

What can we say, we're Funpackers!
The sisters in their Christmas jammies from Nonnie.

The good life.

The Rockley snowboarding crew....Alyssa will be a Rockley soon enough :)

Ricky and Alyssa and us shreddin pow.

The Polar Express in Durango, CO.

Everyone got a special bell from Santa.

And a golden ticket.

Fran enjoying some creamy hot chocolate while listening to the story of Polar Express.

Team Rockley visits Santa.

Exploring the town of Pagosa Springs.

What else would one do with huge icicles?

Our hike to Treasure Falls.

Our 4 inch snowman.

The kids being silly during our Christmas card photo shoot.

Baking Day with the little ladies.

Goodies and cocktails....oh my!

Cousin gingerbread house making :)

Catching snowflakes on the magical night of Winter Solstice.

Nonnie joined us for the Solstice party and general Christmas cheer for a few days.

Christmas morning + pink barbie jeep = happy three year olds!

Dirt bike Helmet!

Spiderman and Batman taking over the streets of Nelson Park.

Christmas day at Uncle Ryan's house. Ry's famous chili made for a warm, cozy evening.

Christmas at Boompa and Booma's in Missouri.

Our boy wanted to bring in his 6th year Turtle style. We had a party at home with a backyard obstacle course, cake, and friends.

Graham was able to fulfill his dream of giving Alastair his first dirt bike!

In Missouri (on his actual birthday) Grandma made this boy ANOTHER ninja turtle cake. In fact, she made 2, one for our special birthday dinner out and one for the party with the cousins. He must be loved!


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