Hitchin a Ride
This post sums up all of Team Rockley's winter riding adventures. Ice Skating, Snowboarding, and Sledding, oh my!
Longmont has this outdoor skating rink that is free with our rec center membership. We kind of love it!
First day back on the slopes, Breckenridge, November 2014.
We got 18 inches of fresh powder during the 2 days we were there...that's unbelievably perfect conditions for November!
Skier in training...the leash...turns out that teaching 2 kids at once to ski is a lot of work!
Then we discovered this kiddy magic carpet, what a dream!
The sisters are so happy to be getting the hang of it!
Daddio and the kiddo ski patrol.
Our traditional shared RedBull on the lift...this one was a little slushy, but delicious!
The girls began to venture beyond the walkers on the ice!
March skiing, 60 degrees.
This day, late in the season, was monumental! The first time all five of us went up the lift together and rode down the mountain as a family...FINALLY!!!
Top O' The Mountain
A little Spring Break slay session with cousin, Aiden.
That day we happened to drive up to ride with our buddy, Stephen, and it had dumped 24 inches of fresh pow for us to ride...WOW, what a day!