Cheers to a Sunny New Years!
When you find $80 round trip tickets to Florida for New Years, you don't ask questions, you just take off and show up on the beach! Getting away from our new jobs, schools, and lives was an inspiring relief for the beginning of 2016. Happy New Year, this is THE year for new Team Rockley adventures.
New Years Eve shenanigans on the beach.
Cousins buried in the sand.
It's the official snack of Nonni and Papa, Chesters! Betcha can't eat just one.
Nonni and Fran in the pool.
This was a "cold," rainy day at Fort Myers Beach, no complaints here!
But since it was raining, we took the kiddos bowling.
The gang at the bowling alley.
Maisy and Damien chillin at the pool.
Maisy's version of THUMBS UP!
We got to celebrate Graham's birthday on the beach before hopping on a plane later that day. This is the first time he's been home for his birthday since 2011. That calls for a beer...or two.
Fran's standard picture pose. Not sure why she insists on a one-leg stance, but I LOVE IT!