Hello Naples
For about two dozen species of sharks, it is essential for them to keep moving to stay alive. We Rockleys are like sharks: if we stay still we "die," become complacent. We move and explore to feel alive and stay inspired. Although we have learned that this is not the easiest way to live a life with three children, we are passionate about our commitment to a simpler, experience based life. So that is what we are trying to create. So far, it includes a lot of brainstorming and change. Let's face it, change is not easy, but imperative!
While in Costa Rica, we decided to move to Naples for awhile. Mom and Rob had just finished remodeling a 2 bedroom condo and offered to rent it to us. We LOVE the smaller space! We are adjusting to a new town and falling in love with the warm winter.
Grouplove (the band) articulates our place in life more effectively than I:
"Lets call it quits and see what the future holds
I've been here before, yeah, we just went down this road
A long time to feel young, short time to get old
The tendency of time is to never understand it
The lesson of my life is to never comprehend it
Indiscretion is a blessing if you know what you want to say"
So we keep moving forward without knowledge of what our future holds, but holding onto our idea of a simpler, adventure-filled way of living. We can't answer the question of "what's next" or "where will you live next year," but we can keep moving forward and following inspiration. Follow us on our Naples journey; we know not where it will take us...the lesson of our life if to never comprehend it.
First day of school.
We all pitched in on the finishing touches to our condo.
Papa putting beds together.
Nonni getting our bathroom ready.
Booma and Boompa dropped in for a visit.
Putting our paddleboards to good use.
Fran's favorite pose.
Our pool....if that doesn't say "endless summer," I don't know what does.
Because moving requires an IKEA trip....
Granna lives here too...what a perk!
Our FAVORITE grocery store/happy hour spot: Lucky's Market.
Special drink break.
Queen of the bicicleta.
Just getting back to our American roots.