Strangers with Candy

As a rule of thumb we teach our children not to play in the street or take candy from strangers . Unless of course traffic is slow and the candy is thrown it at you from a moving trailer with balloons. This weekend we attended our local St. Paddy's Day Parade where we were repeatedly pelted with candy and strings of party beads. Like a kid in a candy store Alastair couldn't decide what to pick up first. With a sucker in his mouth and his tiny fists packed full of candy he watched float after float go by showering candy down upon him like spring rain. Just a heads up, watch out for Alastair on A&E's Intervention. He has developed a serious addiction to skateboarding.

Team Rockley

Candy, Candy, Candy!

Enjoying my stranger candy!

I thought I saw some candy.

Double down in Sucker Town

Wee Lil Lads

Check out my sweet helmet.

Pre-Parade skate session


Still Skateboarding.....

Never Enough Skateboarding

Story time with Dad


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