Alastair's new favorite thing is to screech at the top of his little lungs like a pterodactyl. He finds it most appropriate and amusing when we are in a public place; sorry everyone in Chili's. The following is a list of other critter sounds: wooh! wooh! (for dog), cack! cack! (for duck), rarrrr! (for lion), and of course a deafening shrill screech for the aforementioned pterodactyl. He says puppy and cheese, and why not it's totally normal for a kid who loves both puppies and cheeses. Today Alastair had his first major skateboarding wipeout, resulting in a skinned and bloody nose and a bloody fat lip. I know.....I know......Don't worry the skateboard is fine. Check out Alastair's Skate Or Go Home video under the My 15 Minutes section.
1. Oral Hygiene is for everyone
2. Halloween jammies are always in season