Easter Eggs & Colorado's Moody Springtime

April started out with a visit from a couple of Rockley siblings (and sis-in-law-to-be.) We spent a couple of days in the mountains, mostly slaying pow and hot tubbing :) We finished the month with Easter and the final day of our preschool co-op.

Girls only day in Winter Park while boys snowboarded (we were on toddler twin duty.)

CHEERS by the fire pit! Always a reason for a mini celebration!


The family who slays together stays together!

Brother/Sister happy hour!

Our little speed skier having a powerade happy hour.

Lily Lake hike in Allens Park.

Kids are all jazzed up for the sock hop at Alastair's school.

Easter Egg dying

Easter Day.

This girl cannot get enough swinging!

Sisters hitchin a ride.

Fran on the hunt.

Easter loot.

Alastair drew this Easter picture and I'm just in love with it!

The four preschool girls. We had a last day of school BBQ and campfire. We had so much fun exploring, learning, experimenting, and playing this year! So glad we did the co-op!


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