Seven is Heaven
We deliberately skipped the "Pinterest Party" and went for "Easy and Fun" this year. It's exhausting to plan a party with special hand made games, foods, & favors, prepare your home, host the whole shebang, then clean it all up! Not to mention, it's not very fun for mom and dad...some would argue that birthday parties are for the kids, not the parents. True story! But these fun years of childish birthday celebrations are fleeting and Graham and I want in on the fun! So bowling alley, pizza, and a store bought ice cream cake it is! This was our first "drop-off" party with no decision ever! Alastair and his 1st grade buddies enjoyed every minute of it!
On his actual birthday, we were in Missouri and had a park party with Grandma, Grandpa, and the cousins. Then we all went to Grandma's for dinner and a movie.