A Few of My Favorite Things

The Holiday Season...Ahhhh!...a few of my favorite things! We like to plan our days like Buddy the Elf: First we'll make snow angels for two hours, and then we'll go ice skating, and then we'll eat a whole roll of tollhouse cookie dough as fast as we can, and then, to finish, we'll snuggle!

Second Santa visit of the year. 

Walking to the park to meet some friends. 

Gingerbread house making

After a couple hours of parent torture (pulling two 40-pounders up the hill ourselves,) we discovered this magic carpet! Ideal for teaching two 4 year old cuties how to ski. 


Shuttle rides are the BEST!


Sisters, Sisters, there were never such devoted sisters!

A snowy day at Breck!

3rd Santa Visit (they wouldn't let me take any pictures of Santa)
Ready for the Christmas party at school. 

Projects at the school Christmas party. 

Modeling coats we got in the mail from Nonnie! 

A little sneak peak of the Christmas card photo shoot. 


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